[Background note: Mesa, Arizona is the base for the online game Kingdom of Loathing. The game designers live there, as does Amplitude, the deejay who runs Radio KoL, a non-commercial talk and music radio station associated with the game.
All of our friends have started moving the Mesa to be with one another. Crossing into Arizona, I become "YerrikTheRealBad," and Micah becomes "Baron Mind."]
Ominous warning
Dust storms may exist ahead
Abandon all hope
Three signs in a row
Two is "No Stopping," and three:
"Dust storm's got a knife!"
Fourth is: "Burma Shave."
Such successful lobbyists!
It's federal law
Heading to Mesa
Through the concrete spider web
Here to see some friends
We love the Loathing
Geeky gamers gathering
Hear nerds hobnobbing!
The Baron is come!
Jester in the social scene
But King of the Road
Real names make no sense
But Xlyinia? Of course!
By that name, we're pals.
Merle and Skipperic
Friends, Gamers, Countrypeople
Lend us your Air-Mats
Yerrik's morningwear:
Shirt, Under Armour and boots
Gotta move the car!
Time for radio
Amplitude plays NIN
Listeners write in
Radio song plays:
"Deep in the heart of Texas!"
But we're in AZ!
Baron Mind tells tales
An adventurer is him!
Too clever, I say
Would you eat road kill?
Yerrik offends listeners
Mm mm, snake tartare!
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